November 16, 2018

Why Do People Become Serial Killers?

questions about serial killers

There are differences between mass murderers and serial killers:

Mass murderers kill a number of people at one time and in one place. Mass murderers usually attack schools; universities and restaurants believing it to be a place for a maximum kill effect. They often die at the scene of the multiple slayings, either through suicide or police action. Only occasionally do they turn themselves into the police after the killings.

Serial killers on the other hand, murder one at a time and go to great lengths to avoid detection and apprehension.

The US is believed to have the highest number of serial killers.

Why do people become serial killers or mass murderers?

Any problem can have causes either in one or more of the 3 dimensions, namely the physical, the psychological and the spiritual. Spiritual research has shown that the main root cause for a person to commit serial killing and mass murder lies in the spiritual realm. The breakdown of the reasons why a person commits serial killing and mass murder is like this -

  • Psychological - 10% 
  • Physical - 0%
  • Spiritual - 90%

The psychological factors have been well documented in various publications available on the Internet.

With regards to the spiritual factors it is primarily demonic possession by medium level ghosts from the 2nd region of hell. In some cases these people have been possessed for many births by the same higher level ghosts.

It is for this reason that it is very difficult to predict when a mass murderer may go on a killing spree as the ghost possessing him can do it at any time without any warning signs.

Does this mean that serial killers and mass murderers are exonerated for their crimes at a karmic level?

As per the Law of karma we have to experience happiness or suffer the consequences of our actions and thoughts. For extreme acts like killing someone one has to suffer severely at a spiritual level in this lifetime or the next.

serial killers possessed by ghosts

But what if an entity or a ghost acted through a person? And by possessing the person, the ghost made the person commit heinous crimes like serial killing and mass murder. Is the possessed person still responsible as per the Law of Karma?

The answer is yes. The reason for this is that a ghost gains entry into our consciousness and possesses us due to our own vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities include a high amount of demerits accrued from previous births, incorrect deeds, personality defects such as fear and anger that lead to anxiety and stress, lack of spiritual practice, etc.

Even mass murderers or serial killers who are psychologically impaired incur demerits for their crime. The reason is that, basically they are psychologically deranged due to some major incorrect action of theirs either in this or some past birth. That is why they are still accountable for their crimes even though they may not be fully aware of their actions when committing the crime.

are serial killers psychologically deranged

However the extent of demerits incurred is less than if they were to do the act without being possessed or psychologically deranged as compared to an average person in his senses and in full consciousness committing the same crimes.

Demerits earned due to mass murders or serial killing

  • 60% - A psychologically impaired person going on a killing spree 
  • 60 % - A person under the complete control of ghost going on a killing spree 
  • 100% - An average person going on a killing spree 

Mass murderers like Hitler would be earning demerits exponentially more than 100 on the above relative scale.

In summary

Spiritual root causes of problems can only be completely rectified through spiritual means. Regular spiritual practice as per the 6 basic principles of spiritual practice is the only sure way of preventing a ghost possessing us. Spiritual practice is also the only sure way of being protected from the onslaught of mass murderers and serial killers.

Sean M. Clarke has been studying and practicing Spirituality with the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) over the past 9 years. An MBA graduate from Monash-Mt Eliza Business School, Australia. Sean gave up his regular career as a Strategy and Business Analyst in the technology sector to help co-ordinate dissemination of SSRF research material as a full-time volunteer.

Article Source: Why Do People Become Serial Killers? By Sean M Clarke

Blood Beneath the Floorboards: The Story of Serial Killer Frederick Bailey Deeming

Frederick Bailey Deeming
Frederick Bailey Deeming

On July 30, 1853, a monster was born. Frederick Bailey Deeming, born in England, was a disliked man full of extraordinary stories even strangers rarely listened to or believed. Little did the people around him know that at every wake he left blood beneath the floorboards.
Deeming's killing spree began in England. After marrying Marie James and having four children, the family moved from Australia to Africa and then to England. Deeming had frequent encounters with the law and even spent time in jail for theft and bankruptcy. After moving to England, his family lived a normal life until one-day Deeming's neighbors noticed the rest of the family had disappeared. Deeming assured them the family had just gone away.
The account of Deeming's life gets a little confusing at this point. His use of several different names and frequent moving practices makes his life hard to follow. It is known that he married Helen Matheson in England in 1890. He then quickly left England only to be caught in Uruguay a short time later and jailed for fraud. After being released, he rented a villa, again in England, and was briefly reunited with Marie James and his children. During this time it is also reported that Deeming married Emily Mathers and rented a home at 57 Andrew St. again in England.
While living at 57 Andrew St., Deeming's new wife Emily disappeared. When questioned by friends Deeming assured them she had gone abroad for business and that all things were fine. Near Christmas in 1891, Deeming left the house and moved to Australia. While in Australia, Deeming again found love and was engaged to Kate Rounsefell when life began to unravel for the monster.
grave of emily mathers
Grave of Emily Mathers

When the owner of 57 Andrew St. showed the home to a prospective renter, he noticed a smell in the home. The owner could offer no insight about the problem but was alarmed when a neighbor told him of Deeming's wife's disappearance. The police were called in, and a murderer was revealed.
Under the floorboards near the hearth of the home was the decomposing body of Emily Mathers. Amazed at the finding the police soon searched the rest of the home and found an invitation to a banquet in Australia. Police caught Deeming in Western Australia and soon investigated his other homes and found Marie and his four children stuffed beneath the floorboards in a villa in England.
Deeming was later tried and found guilty. He was sentenced to death by hanging. The trial had angered so many Australians that some 12,000 people cheered as he was led to the gallows and put to death.
Kate Rounsefell
Kate Rounsefell

Little more is known about the exploits of Frederick Bailey Deeming. Some believe him to be Jack the Ripper while others question whether they found all of the bodies he buried beneath the floorboards throughout his many years as a killer. One thing is for certain; Kate Rounsefell was the only wife to survive marriage to the killer that left blood beneath the floorboards.

Why Do People Become Serial Killers?

There are differences between mass murderers and serial killers: Mass murderers kill a number of people at one time and in one place. M...